Friday, August 16, 2013

Your Hostess Hates You Because... You Didn't Say What You Wanted

Everyone has that one friend who has an excuse for absolutely everything. 'I was late to dinner the other night because my cat got sick'.. 'I couldn't come to the movies with you guys because my mom wouldn't let me take the car'... 'I was going to clean the house today but I didn't want to miss Catfish'

The hostess experiences nothing different. There are people who come to our restaurants and complain about their tables when they never told us what they wanted in the beginning.

A couple walks in the restaurant, lovestruck, walk in the restaurant to get a table.

*The couple walks up to the hostess stand*
Hostess: Hello! Welcome to This Restaurant! How many are you tonight?
Girl: *giggly, staring deep into her boyfriend's eyes* - Party of two
Hostess: Okay and is that going to be inside or outside
Girl: *Finally looks at the hostess* - Whatever, we don't care, whatever's fastest
Hostess: No problem, we'll have your table in 5 minutes, may I get your name?
Girl: You can put it under Michael.
Hostess: Michael it is, you're all set, we'll call your name.
Hostess 2: Michael, Party of Two? Michael
*The couple slowly makes their way over to the hostess*
Hostess 2: Hello guys, you can follow me!
*The couple follows the hostess and arrive to their table*
Girl: *Looks around* - Is there another table we could sit at?
Hostess 2: What would you prefer?
Girl: I don't know another table-
Michael: Yeah like a booth or something.
Hostess 2: You want a booth? Let me go find out what's available
Michael: Yeah because we asked her for a booth..
*They arrive back to the front*
Hostess 2: Do we have any booths available?
Hostess: Not right now, it's gonna be about 10 to 15 minutes, I have a lot of people waiting for booths
Girl: Well how come we can't just sit at that booth over there, it's not taken.
Hostess: Because we have people who specifically requests booths and wait longer specifically to sit in one
Michael: But we requested a booth I don't understand why we didn't get one.
Hostess: I'm sorry but you guys said, whatever's the fastest when you made your reservation-
Michael: This is nuts, let me speak to a manager... I specifically requested to sit in a booth I didn't say whatever's fastest....
*Manager arrives*
Manager: How may I help you guys?
Michael: This girl just told us we have to wait 10 to 15 more minutes for a booth when there's an empty booth right over there and we specifically requested a booth.
Manager: I'm so sorry to hear that, I'll take you right over.
Hostess: But what about my 4 top that was going there already!
*Manager walks guests over to the table and seats them*

This Is Why Your Hostess Hates You:
When people come into a restaurant that has a wait, they tend to think that if they ask for what they want, it would be a longer wait. There are actually people in this world who would rather wait 5 minutes for a table they don't like than wait 15-20 minutes for what they'd actually prefer thinking that once they're in, they can change the table to whatever they want. I feel as if, if I'm going to wait, I'll wait for a table I'd actually want to stay and eat at. Moral of the story is, if you want something in particular, as ar as the tables go-whether you need a highchair or you're not able to sit a booth because you have a disabled person with you-let the hostess know and remember, she can't read your mind.

The [UN]Happy Hostess

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