Monday, August 5, 2013

Your Hostess Hates You, Because... You're Impatient!

If you've ever been to a dine in restaurant, you've probably ran into a host/hostess, maitre d or what have you, and you look to these people to be seated at a table. Whether the restaurant only accepts reservations or doesn't take the at all, you've probably had to talk to a host/hostess at least once. If you do choose to dine in at a restaurant, there's a chance that there are other people waiting to get a table as well, some have larger parties, some are the same size, and some are smaller.

Some people's perception of a restaurant hostess is that she is incompetent, lazy and rude--solely because they didn't get the booth that they at the last minute requested. In reality, the hostess is organized, quick on her feet and thoughtful--it's up to you how you choose to perceive her.

You are a party of 4 and the restaurant you're dining at has inside and outside seating. You've requested specifically outside and have been told the wait would be about 30 minutes as there are a lot of people who have requested outside and the people already eating are staying a lot longer than usual. It's raining, meaning the uncovered part of the outside dining has been closed off and is not accepting seating, there are about 12 tables closed because of it.

Story Line:

Although you've been told your waiting time and have been given a pager to report back when your table's ready, you decide to stand in front of the hostess desk and complain about how long you've been waiting. You tell her you see a bunch of tables open outside, why hasn't your family been seated yet? You then take it upon yourself to walk around the restaurant to search for open tables. You find a seemingly unoccupied table and go back to the hostess to tell her that there is a table open, why can't you sit there? - All of this and you have not even reached the 15 min. mark of your waiting time quoted.

You've waited your whole quote time out, standing with the hostess at her desk asking a million and one questions about your table and why you can't sit at the plentiful open tables outside. You finally get your table and you give the other hostess a hard time because you don't like it. You yell and scream at her for a table that has already been flagged for a larger party that requested outside. You are told the tables are for a larger party and become outraged because you'd already waited 30 minutes, but you don't like the table you've received. That's the last straw for you, you decide to get a manager involved and make up a fabricated story about how you'd waited longer than 30 minutes just to get your way but no, the manager tells you the same time, more waiting. You go ahead with your family and have a seat at the table that was picked by the hostess. Your meal ends and you hardly tip the server and you think you've had a bad day?

This is Why Your Hostess Hates You: When you are told a certain wait time and are given a buzzer. There are a lot of people before you who have yet to be seated but you insist that for some strange reason, that you should have priority over everyone else-totally fair of course. While you're standing there asking questions about a closed off section that the hostess has no control over. Instead of dining elsewhere, YOU made the decision to wait. The hostess can't change the waiting time but you can change your waiting time-by going to another restaurant. You have to be patient, NOT rude, that's all we're asking of you.

The [UN]Happy Hostess

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